the dancing couple

FotoZA gallery 19.Nov - 23.Dec 2017


What happens when a piece of clothing washes ashore?
When the sun, sand, wind and water, the ebb and flow
starts to play with it.
Shaping it, moving it around, washing it, tearing it,
bleaching it.
When man meets nature.
When we keep our eyes open to even the smallest detail
and let our imagination have free reign.
Look from a distance or go in close, we all might see
something different and our mind plays tricks on us.

We imagine seeing that mystical creature, a couple dancing
or a howling wolf. We might see the knight on his horse
and the smoking gun, the seahorse and a fish in the sea.
Take your time and let your imagination go crazy.

We've all played the game where we look at a cloud in the sky
and imagine seeing a dog or a dragon, or maybe Mickey Mouse.

That is how I felt while one day last year walking early
morning on a beautiful tropical beach in Zanzibar.
My plan was to photograph the fishermen leaving with their dhow's.
When suddenly I came across a piece of textile sticking out of the sand that caught my attention.
At first I didn't know what I was looking at, but the shape and color made me walk around it until I saw it.
Mmmm, kinda looks like a fish.

I photographed my "fish" and continued on my walk, but subconsciously I was already searching for my next piece of 


And so it began. During the next week I deliberately started looking for pieces of clothing, fabrics and paper that had washed on to the white beaches around the island.

Not as an easy task as one would think because generally the beaches are very clean.
But I had time and what better thing to do than to put my feet in the soft sand.
And with time my collection of photographs grew to the selection of images you see at this exhibition.

To me it became much more than a piece of rubbish but a piece of art created by nature.
A beach as a canvas and the paintbrushes in form of the sun, wind, rain and the ever flowing tide.
Moved and shaped by the elements.

Captured and recorded for all of you to see.

I hope that this selection of images inspires you to keep your eyes open for whatever nature puts in front of us.

Look close and let your mind drift away.

Enjoy your journey with DriftArt.

smoking gun

howling wolf

deflated heart

the fish


torn apart

the seal

These and many many more will be on show and for sale in a limited edition of 5 prints each(framed) at FotoZA gallery.

Level 4, Entrance  3, Shop 402, 50 Bath Avenue, Rosebank Mall, Rosebank, Johannesburg, South Africa


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